Bali Sterling Silver Adoption List --
All items from

Item----$ each---pieces in lot----price for lot
    Barrel Beads
  1. br0001..... 0.36..... 20..... 7.20*SOLD*
  2. br0002..... 0.57..... 20.... 11.40*SOLD*
  3. br0007..... 0.42......20..... 8.40*SOLD*

    Bead Caps
  4. cp0001..... 0.31..... 20.... 6.20*SOLD*
  5. cp0003..... 0.36......20.... 7.20*SOLD*
  6. cp0004..... 0.36......20.... 7.20 *SOLD*
  7. cp0012......0.16..... 30.....4.80*SOLD*
  8. cp0020..... 0.17..... 30.... 5.10 *SOLD*
  9. cp0021..... 0.31..... 20.....6.20*SOLD*

    Clasps & Toggles
  10. ct0008.......0.39..... 15 ....5.85
  11. ct0009...... 0.71..... 15... 10.65 *SOLD*
  12. ct0015...... 0.71..... 15... 10.65
  13. ct0021...... 0.52..... 15.... 7.80
  14. ct0022...... 0.50..... 15 ....7.50
  15. ct0023...... 0.65..... 15 ....9.75*SOLD*

    Earring Component/Charm
  16. er0011...... 1.04...... 6..... 6.24*SOLD*

    Silver Beads
  17. sb0004..... 1.04..... 10....10.40 *SOLD*
  18. sb0009..... 0.83..... 10.....8.30 *SOLD*
  19. sb0010...... 0.73.... 10 ....7.30 *SOLD*
  20. sb0026...... 0.83 ....10 ....8.30 *SOLD*

    Spacer Beads
  21. sp0008...... 0.27 ....20 ....5.40 *SOLD*
  22. sp0009...... 0.27 ....20 ....5.40 *SOLD*
  23. sp0014 ......0.21 ....20 ....4.20 *SOLD*
  24. sp0022 ......1.35 .....2 .....2.70 *SOLD*
  25. sp0023 ......3.10 .....2 .....6.20 *SOLD*

    The Fine Print

    1. Prices above include a few cents each to recover the lost Bali-to-USA shipping and insurance costs. That's why they are a wee bit more than the Shop prices.
    2. I would prefer to sell these items in the full quantity listed. If there are no takers for full lots, I will consider dividing them.
    3. Items are "first come, first served" -- full lots get preference. My e-mail is barons8atjunodotcom.
    4. In most cases, no extra US postage would apply. Extra postal insurance will be needed if the additions push your overall silver totals to the next tier ($50.01, $100.01, $200.01)
    5. I will let you know what needs to be paid, including the PayPal fee...please wait for me to send a total before sending payment to me at barons8atjunodotcom

    Thanks for considering these "orphans" :)